UFO, WAYSTED: ci ha lasciato il bassista Pete Way, il cordoglio da parte di molti musicisti

Ci ha lasciato Pete Way, bassista e cofondatore degli UFO all’età di 69 anni.
Fece parte degli UFO dal 1969 al 1982, dal 1988 al 1989 e dal 1992 al 2008. Inoltre cofondò i WAYSTED e lavorò anche con Michael Schenker, FASTWAY e Ozzy Osbourne.
Ricordiamo che nel 2016 fu sopravvisse ad un infarto e due mesi fa riportò gravissime conseguenze per un incidente.
Ecco i messaggi di cordoglio sui social da parte di molti musicisti:
This year keeps getting worse. Pete Way, one of the “characters” of metal and fellow @AVFCOfficial supporter has passed. He supported Deadland Ritual on the show in London. Very funny man. RIP Pete. pic.twitter.com/HtX2Iu152T
— Geezer Butler (@geezerbutler) August 14, 2020
We are saddened to hear the news of our friend Pete Ways passing this morning.
Our condolences and thoughts are with Pete’s family & loved ones.
Biff, Paul, Nigel, Nibbs & Doug. pic.twitter.com/gQ9EvABTeH
— Saxon (@SaxonOfficial) August 14, 2020
RIP Pete Way. one of my favorite & coolest looking bass players ever. If I played bass I would play a Thunderbird on my knees also. thanks for all those great UFO records. Pete Way may u find peace with your Lights… https://t.co/zXYsjkQQrk
— Gilby Clarke (@gilbyclarke) August 14, 2020
RIP Pete Way.. Thank you for inspiring me to always give it my all as a bass player-and being so great to me every time we saw each other. You will be missed..#peteway #ufo #legend #bass #inspiration https://t.co/cd4yISoJL0
— FrankBello (@TheFrankBello) August 14, 2020
We lost a legend today, #peteway you will always be the Coolest Rock Star ufo_band_official petewayofficial @ironmaiden @eddietrunk #onlyyoucanrockme https://t.co/9OJCuNNSoJ
— Charlie Benante (@skisum) August 14, 2020
RIP Pete Way @UFO_rockband ~Lights Out -but still shining pic.twitter.com/oNINHCg1ig
— Stephen Perkins (@stephenperkins) August 14, 2020
RIP Pete Way. So influential. Sad news. #rippeteway #ufo pic.twitter.com/ptvpR9jDsL
— Todd Dammit Kerns (@todddammitkerns) August 14, 2020

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